Fred Batt Presents


Watches - Bracelets - Pendants - Earings


ItemREF:  AW1
Name: Cruella Wristwatch
Description:  A Charnel House set with ruby cabochons.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £44.99

ItemREF:  AW14
Name:  Razhora
A sharp and edgy watch with hinged razor bracelet and adjustable metal fastner.
Includes uniquely designed watch face. Quartz crystal movements.
Sizes:  S/M,M/L

UK RRP:  GBP : £49.99

ItemREF:  AW13
Name: Pierreries Du Mort
Description:  French for 'precious gems of death'.
A morbidly pretty and alluring delicacy; set with a pair of oval black Swarovski crystals.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £44.99

ItemREF:  AW12
Name: Barbarella
Description:  This magnificent, elegant timepiece,
with Swarovski crystals,
befits the most glamorous warrior goddess.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £47.99

ItemREF:  AW11
Name: Star of Venus
Description:    A bracelet of Talismanic pentacles.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £44.99

ItemREF:  AW10
Name: Rose Garden
Description:    A forgotten bed of roses & crystals; with stainless steel cobwebs.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £49.99

ItemREF:  AW9
Name: Cryptiana
Description:  Roll-call of the interred, set against crystals & roses.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £44.99

ItemREF:  AW1
Name: Cruella Wristwatch
Description:  A Charnel House set with ruby cabochons.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £44.99


ItemREF:  A69
Name:  La Fleur de Baudelaire
Description:  Paris' celebrated C19th ‘gothic' poet and visionary,
and champion of the supernaturally creative powers of absinthe;
with Swarovski crystal.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £28.99

ItemREF:  A64
Name:  Chaos de Profundis
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £29.50

ItemREF:  A66
Name:  Seven Deadly Sins Bangle
Description:    Seven-sided bangle, each side debossed with one of the names of the Sins,
in Latin, and in sequence - set with Austrian crystal 'garnets' on each angle.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £21.99

ItemREF:  A60
Name:  Anastasia
Description:   Decadent, hinged bracelet,
lavishly laced and pointed with Swarovski crystals.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £30.50

ItemREF: A41
Name: in Nomini Patrie
'In the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost';
an amethyst crystal-mounted,
Latin-inscribed bangle of the high church.
One Size Medium
Sizes:  One Size (Adj.)

UK RRP:  GBP : £20.99

ItemREF: A26
Name:  Requiem Aeternam
Latin script reads: "Grant them eternal rest O Lord".
Available in sizes large and small.
Sizes:  Large,Small

UK RRP:  GBP : £20.99

ItemREF:  A12
Name: Roseus Pentagram
Cast and polished bangle featuring a black enamelled classic pentagram.One Size
Sizes:  Small,Large

UK RRP:  GBP : £21.99

ItemREF:  A68
Name: Curse of Ezekiel
The Old Testament's prophet of horror,
with his foretold rising of bones coming to grisly fruition
and taking a firm grip on the wearer.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £39.99


ItemREF:  P530
Name:  Passion
A twisting knot of sacred thorns, weeping tears of blood-red Swarovski crystal.

UK RRP:  GBP : £24.99

ItemREF:  P526
Name:  Absinthe Fairy
The spirit of wormwood rises from the absinthegreen
enamelled visage of mortality; with Swarovski crystal.

UK RRP:  GBP : £21.99

ItemREF:  P524
Name:  Hederige Cross
Brass wrought cross, typical of C18th, English graveyard ornamentation,
now strangulated and overgrown with creeping ivy.

UK RRP:  GBP : £21.99

ItemREF:  P514
Name:  Churrigueresque Cross
Elaborate Austrian crystal cross in the extravagant style of the Churriguera family,
sculptors and architectural decorators in Spain, between 1665 and1725.

UK RRP:  GBP : £24.99

ItemREF:  P512
Name:  Sacramental Rood
A heavily carved cross from the Middle Ages incorporating the red-enamelled Sacred Heart,
and suspended with large Austrian crystal dropper.

UK RRP:  GBP : £38.99

ItemREF:  P510
Name:  Love unto Death
Or 'Amour á la Mort', as the sentiment is engraved into the cardinal Austrian crystal,
flanked by caput lamentii: on black ribbon necklace.

UK RRP:  GBP : £29.99

ItemREF:  P502
Name:  Order of the Black Rose

Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £19.98

ItemREF:  P497
Name:  Seal of the Sephiroth
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.98

ItemREF:  P484
Name:  Ace Of Death
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.98

ItemREF:  P482
Name:  Balkan Revenant's Cross
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.98

ItemREF:  P471
Name:  Penduli Cross
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £18.98

ItemREF:  P468
Name:  Crux Gemmata
Cross with 13 gems, depicting Christ and His Twelve Apostles,
and symbol of resurrection and power.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £16.98

ItemREF:  P466
Name:  The Sacred Heart
A splendour of crystals and enamel encrust this lavish icon to the suffering.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £25.99

ItemREF:  P464
Name:  Regalia Balkani
Formal, dark splendour from the coffers of a former Transylvanian noble.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £30.50

ItemREF:  P458
Name:  St. Sepulchre Cross
Believed to be a copy of the charmed and unusual,
lost pectoral cross belonging to Rector John Rogers,
who was burnt at the stake in Smithfield in 1555;
with Swarovski crystals and enamel.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £22.99

ItemREF:  P455
Name:  Hammercross
Bejewelled amulet of a converted, pagan warrior.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £19.98

ItemREF:  P447
Name:  Blood Moon
A skein of bats flitters about this deep and sinister portent.
Blood Moon, the result of a total eclipse,
noted in the Bible's book of Revelations of Saint John
as a sign from God that the Book Of Seven Seals
had been opened meaning that God's wrath was upon man.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.98

ItemREF:  P439
Name:  Vampretta
Crystallised blood drips from the fangs at the throat. - on black ribbon.
Vamp; short for ‘vampire’,
but also a woman who attracts then seduces men;
‘etta’ a feminine name ending.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £18.98

ItemREF:  P431
Name:  Relecruz Sanguis
Transparent stem, representing the blood of a martyr.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £20.99

ItemREF:  P417
Name:  Draconkreuz
Symbol of the obscure, medieval,
mystic order and holders of arcane and ancient magical powers.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £20.50

ItemREF:  P397
Name:  Illuminati Cross
Rome: The Angels of Bernini steer the sacred path
of light through the altars of science.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £25.99

ItemREF:  P368
Name:  Vatican Cross
Enamelled popish cross mounting five faceted crystals.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £22.99

ItemREF:  P347
Name:  Funeral Cross
A gem-set in mourning with seven faceted crystals.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £35.99

ItemREF:  P341
Name:  Orthodox Icon Locket
Photo locket in the authentic, classic style of an Eastern Orthodox Church icon,
with brass hinges and fasteners. To take two 20 x 30mm size pictures.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £25.99

ItemREF:  P333
Name:  Matins Cross
A delicate, openwork cross to wear between midnight and daybreak;
set with purple crystal.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £15.50

ItemREF:  P299
Name:  The Inquisitor Cross
The iconic tool of the ruthless C.16th pan - European heresy purge
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £22.99

ItemREF:  P258
Name:  Microcosmic Cross
The faith of the philosopher. With bone resin pentacle.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.50

ItemREF:  P256
Name:  Sword of Destiny
With the Latin inscription 'Fortune favoured the brave',
and the power of the pentacle.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £20.50

ItemREF:  P206
Name:  Noctis Cross
Gothic pewter cross with 'haemoglobin' red and black enamel.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £18.98

ItemREF:  P182
Name:  Roseus Pentagram
Black enamelled pentagram and dual roses of wisdom.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £14.99

ItemREF:  P188
Name:  Anguistralobe
Working miniature of C.18th instrument to measure the
direct path of destiny between specified heavenly bodies.
Pewter and brass.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £17.98

ItemREF:  P124
Name:  Medieval Pentangle
In the Middle ages, the most common sign to ward off demonic powers.
Gilt two tone with blue cabochon crystal.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £18.98


ItemREF:  E257
Name:  Cesare's Veto (Stud)
The 16th century Cesare Borgia's Florentine
solution to all political problems.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £13.99

ItemREF:  E256
Name:  Hang Man's Noose
The most squalid and degrading of ends to the life of a mortal.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £7.99

ItemREF:  E262
Name:  Sacred Heart (Stud)
A black heart blessed with eternal faith.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £12.99

ItemREF:  E251
Name:  Havisham
Victorian elegance and lamentic decay,
evoking the tragic Miss Havisham,
from Dickens's Great Expectations.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £13.99

ItemREF:  E240
Name:  Cold-Heart Stud
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £9.99

ItemREF:  E227
Name:  Chain of Venus
Magnified power & protection of the pentagram; crystal.
Sizes:  One Size

UK RRP:  GBP : £9.50

When ordering please state
Item Name and Catalogue Number

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